Original Character Artist & World Creator

No redistribution, tracing, copying, claiming of Beetlelark’s artwork, characters, and/or stories

Hello, I’m Lark!

A twenty-nine year old self taught artist living with their life partner and two furry children in Ohio, US, Lark is an autistic introvert with a brain full of people. Their identity is heavily impacted by their mental disorders and neurodivergence, and they use the labels genderqueer and transmasculine to best describe themselves. He uses he/they pronouns!Lark primarily draws art of their original characters and stories, mainly Verses of Eternity, as well as their partner’s characters. He also enjoys drawing for his friends and mutuals when he can! Besides creating art and stories, Lark also codes and gardens as a hobby, enjoys cooking, collects vinyl records and thrifts, researches history, the natural world, theology, and outer space, likes watching old films and shows, especially of the horror and supernatural varieties, and loves art nouveau, art deco, medieval gothic, victorian gothic, baroque, high fantasy and sci-fi (of many varieties.)

Message responses can sometimes take a few days or more because of my disabilities and low social spoons, please have patience! If it is time sensitive please reach out to my discord (beetlelark) or email ([email protected]).

General Boundaries

• Minors don’t interact, thank you! I am an adult and would prefer not interacting closely if at all.
• I do not support NFT or genAI, and supporters will be blocked on sight.
• Do not reupload, trace, heavily reference, use, and/or claim any of my creative work (characters, writing, art, etc) as or for your own.
• Unless it is artwork I drew specifically for you, I do not allow the use of my art for anything without my explicit stated permission. For commercial use please contact me privately via email ([email protected]).
• Racists, homophobes, transphobes, terfs, ableists, misogynists/sexists, fatphobes, antisemites, zionists, far-right/nazis, fascists, etc will be blocked.
• Many of my characters and stories contain darker and mature subject matter, please keep that in mind when browsing my social medias and toyhouse!

OC Boundaries

Is fanart okay?
Yes! But ask first if it’s NSFW or above mild violence/gore.
Can I draw our OCs interacting?
Unless I/a character profile says differently then please get permission first. Friends and mutuals can without permission!
Are headcanons or shipping okay?
Fan headcanons and fan oc ships between my ocs are okay unless it goes against stated info about my ocs. RP shipping is open to friends/close mutuals (Note: some OCs I’m uninterested in shipping, even with friends.)
Do you roleplay?
My roleplay preferences and status is here.
Is kinning okay?
No. Do not kin my characters. They are very personal and it makes me viscerally uncomfortable.
Are fanfics/writings okay?
Ask first and understand I will offer feedback and critique.



September 23 2024

Been a hot minute since a new blog post was made oops! My new job has kept me busy. I’m liking it and my coworkers so far, and my bosses too.I’m still working on art but things are definitely slower. I did finish something recently tho and it can be found in my gallery! It’s art of Camilla, who like almost all my ocs is heavily neglected in terms of art lmao. (Some of the brain is just very greedy to focus on very specific OCs. I am judging that part very hard (lovingly of course but also… squints))I also commissioned a friend recently for art of Sophia; Ivan’s daughter! I’m really excited, and I can’t wait to comm more of my friends and moots, and just other artists in gen! I couldn’t go crazy with it tho and commission a ton right away since there are somethings that need to be taken care of with our car first before winter hits.Anyways, I’d show some wips of what I’m working on art wise but there’s a high chance if I do that then I’ll be even slower to finish them lol. One of the things tho is going to be turned into a physical object since we can afford to mess around with that now hehe. Also excited about that! Oh! And some new clothes were bought recently. Just some comfy stuff to wear to work!Think that’s it for this little update to the blog. Thanks for reading!

Recovering from Covid

August 24 2024

I became ill with Covid shortly after my last blog entry and have been down for the count since. Thankfully I’m now in recovery for it and am just left with the aftermath as I’m no longer contagious or experiencing fevers. This would be my second time getting Covid and I’m very thankful it was not as severe as the first time. The first time I had it was so, so awful. I was either unconscious or delirious from fever with that one, no inbetween. While I’ve had the high fevers again with this round of Covid they haven’t lasted as long and I’m able to stay awake a lot more. My sinuses and eyes have been mimicking having an episode of allergies from hell though this time.Remember to keep masking and wash your hands always.

New logo!

August 19 2024

I designed a new logo (and watermark) for myself! I’m pretty pleased with it and can’t wait to slap it onto my art going forward. I’ll be using a black and white version (shown further below) with my website name on it for art watermarking, and the readability tests I did on some previously finished art really looked good.I’ve always liked the kind of big square (or just big image) watermarks I’d see a lot of my art idols growing up use way back on DeviantArt, so it’s exciting to have one of my own! I may eventually have to redo it on a different art program, since as far as I could look up CSP doesn’t do vector layers in the same way photoshop or other programs can/do.

The Blog LIVES! + Life updates & misc

August 09 2024

Hello! Finally finished the first version of a blog section for my site— I say first as this will likely evolve in appearance and setup as my site does— and what better first entry than about finishing this + updates in my life! I admit journaling like this is not something I’m used to anymore. I used to do it all the time as a kid and teenager but started to do it less and less as I went through my young adult years. Hoping to revive that journal writing bug in myself!In terms of life news, I got the job I wanted and I’m so very excited! It fits perfectly with my partner’s established schedule and it is at the same location, which will make our lives easier in terms of carpooling and planning. It’s a desk job and it’s not sales or a call center either! Most desk jobs I see nowadays are either one or both of those things, and although I will use the phone often in my department it’s in a different capacity. Now that I have consistent and steady full time job, I have also closed my commissions as I really do not want to spend my free time off work doing a secondary job unless absolutely needed. I’m sorry to anyone who potentially wanted to commission me! The future is not set in stone so perhaps one day I will reopen them in a limited capacity.Update #1: I am using tellonym for Q&A’s and my ask box link has been updated accordingly. With retrospring scheduled to close in 2025 I decided I might as well make a move to a new platform with a similar function now instead of wait. I am going to miss retrospring though. It’s been my favorite for Q&A style platforms. Eventually I want to have my own Q&A set-up without using another platform beyond whatever is hosting my website, but that is lower on my list of priorities at the moment.Update #2: I’m making use of my notion to put together an info hub for my OU, Verses of Eternity! Not sure when it’ll be in a state where I feel comfortable sharing it. Although I’m doing this that doesn’t mean I won’t be using my toyhouse still and also have info stored on there. My toyhouse is just a mess right now and I haven’t had the energy for fixing the coding up, so that’s a project I want to tackle after I’ve done a lot of the writing and info gathering work I need to do on VoE.


Here you can find the online pages of other creatives I recommend and think are cool! Check em out!

Want to add my page to your site as an affiliate? Please use this as a banner, link back to my website, and describe me as an original character artist and world creator. Thank you, and let me know if you do!

(Clicking on my logo will open a link to a version you can save)